Download Hotlanta's Full Rules and Regulations
Download- No responsibility for loss or theft of articles left in the Changing Rooms, Ballrooms, or Hotel Rooms can be accepted by the Organizer, or by the National Dance Council of America, Inc., and neither can they be held liable for injury sustained by persons attending this event. Everyone attending and participating in the event does so at his or her own risk.
- All persons attending this event, whether as spectators, competitors, officials or guests of the Organizer, shall be bound by the National Dance Council of America, Inc., rules and by participating in this event automatically become obligated to adhere to them.
- All closed event will be invigilated as per the NDCA rulebook.
- No personal video cameras will be allowed. There will be professional videographers and photographers on hand to handle your video and photo needs.
- The Organizers cannot be held responsible for any personal charges made to the hotel. All participants must pay for their own personal charges including phone charges and room service.
- The decision of the judges shall be final.
- Age Divisions: See appropriate entry forms. Pro/Am and Amateur may enter true age category and one division younger. (Except: Pre-Teen, Junior and Youth)
- Dancers are required to be in the ballroom at least 30 minutes prior to their scheduled heat AND in the “on deck” area two heats prior to their scheduled heat. Any competitor not on the floor when the Master of Ceremonies calls is subject to disqualification for that heat.
- Medalist Material used in closed competition should be based on the current NDCA or Dvida Step List and requirements in the American or International Bronze Entries.
- In all categories entrants may dance up to three consecutive levels higher than the proclaimed standard for further exposure. For example entering Preliminary Bronze, Intermediate Bronze and Full Bronze is acceptable, however, Preliminary Bronze and Preliminary Silver is not. Entrants may submit entries in completely different levels in International style versus American style.
- Open Divisions are not material restricted. Dancers must still enter only their level and above i.e. Preliminary Silver or above dancer may not enter a Bronze division.
- Solos are limited to 4:00 minutes. Solo judging is on impression; students receive scores and comments.
- Pro/Am Superstars Open Invitational (if offered): competitors in these open-level events are selected and invited based on their open level of competition at multiple, national venues by a panel of qualified judges. First place will be awarded a dress or men’s attire sponsorship for the Amateur dancer as described by the Sponsor Designer for the event (see Sponsor Designer’s “sponsorship agreement” for provisions). Second place will be awarded a shoe sponsorship for the Amateur dancer as described by the Sponsor Shoe Company (see Sponsor Shoe Company’s “sponsorship agreement” for provisions). If Invitational event has less than or equal to 6 couples competing, sponsorship prize provisions may be revised.
- Organizer reserves the right to combine with other age/levels or cancel any event with less than or equal to 3 entrants.
- Top Teacher, Top Student, Top Studio Points: see price list and package information form for details.
- Packages: The Organizers have provided packages to accommodate your needs. Please see package pricing sheets.
- Hotel accommodations must be made through the hotel and mention the Hotlanta The Classic to receive the special rate. Make reservations by calling the hotel directly; for hotel information, see the competition website: www.hotlantatheclassic.com and click on Event Info.
- Please adhere to deadline to ensure proper entry into the program; entries received after the deadlines are not guaranteedlistings in the program.
- Any entries and/or payments received after the posted deadline will be subject to a $50 per person late fee.
Important Rules and Policies:
Late Fees: Entries postmarked after the deadline date of September 24 but will be subject to a late fee of $50 per person. Entries added at the competition will be subject to a late fee of $50 per person. There will be no exceptions.
Cancellation/Refund Policy: The deadline for a refund on a cancellation is 30 days prior to the date the competition commences. Refunds will be made by mail once the organizer has been contacted 30 days following the completion of the competition. There will be a minimum of $50 service charge, per participant for cancellations. If the Organizer is notified of cancellations after the deadline, credit will be considered in cases of emergency only and must accompany a Doctor’s Certificate. No substitutions will be allowed for entry cancellations taken at the event. No exchanges or refunds will be made on admission tickets. (ALL TICKET SALES ARE FINAL)
Pro/Am Scholarships: To qualify for all scholarship events, a student must enter a minimum of 4 (Smooth) and 5 (Rhythm, Ballroom, Latin) Pro/Am single dances per scholarship event entered. All scholarships are unisex competitions for adults. Closed scholarships are restricted to Bronze & Silver students. Please remember that the closed scholarships are restricted to closed syllabus figures (Bronze restricted to Bronze Syllabus and Silver restricted to Bronze & Silver Syllabus). Open scholarships are not restricted to any figures. In any scholarship event with fewer than three entries, the organizer reserves the right to eliminate the age and sex divisions and merge competitors into one division. Scholarship prize money is subject to change if not a full 6-couple final; if scholarship event has less than or equal to 6 couples competing, prize money may be reduced. Competition vouchers may be given in place of cash prizes.
Students may NOT enter both Bronze & Silver scholarship levels in the same style.
Students MAY enter both the Silver & the Open scholarships in the same style.
Students MUST enter the scholarship level of the highest single dance entry level in a style.
For example: If a student enters single dance entries in Full Bronze and Pre Silver they would be eligible for the Silver Scholarship NOT the Bronze Scholarship in that style.
Student/Student Events: Student/Student events are an accommodation for Pro/Am Student Dancers, and are open only to one adult Pro/Am Student Dancer partnering with another adult Pro/Am Student Dancer – both of whom must comply with the requirements as stated in the definition of a Pro/Am Student Dancer. Student/Student events are not open to amateur dancers who compete in Amateur Competitions and/or Championships at the “Open Amateur” proficiency level as defined in section X. RULES FOR AMATEUR COMPETITORS.
Amateur Competitor Rules & Regulations: Age classifications, “a” through “f-(3)”, will become effective on the individual’s actual birthday. On a year where a competitor is going to move from one classification to the next they may make this change anytime during a 60 day period that begins 30 days prior to their birthday and ends 30 days following their birthday.
- Pre-Teen I: 9th birthday or less
- Pre-Teen II: 10th or 11th birthday
- Junior I: 12th or 13th birthday
- Junior II: 14th or 15th birthday
- Youth: 16th, 17th or 18th birthday
- Adult: 19th birthday or greater
- Competitors may dance “up” or “down” as follows:
Pre-Teen I competitors may dance up one age classification to “Pre-Teen II”.
Pre-Teen II competitors may dance up one age classification to “Junior I”.
Junior I competitors may dance up one age classification to “Junior II”.
Junior II competitors may dance up one age classification to “Youth”.
Youth competitors may dance up to the Adult classification.
The following rules apply to competitors age 18 and under:
For Youth, Junior I and Junior II partnerships, one of the individuals may be no more than two age classifications younger.
If one of the individuals in the partnership is two age classifications younger, then the younger member of the partnership must request permission in writing from the NDCA Ballroom Department and in turn receive written approval prior to being allowed to compete. (example – a “Pre-Teen II” girl wishing to compete with a “Junior II” age boy) a) If written permission is given for the individual to dance up two age classifications, then that person may not return again to dance in the original younger age classification that they “gave up”.
Under no circumstance will a Pre-Teen I, Pre-Teen II, or a Junior I competitor be allowed to compete in the Adult age classification.
A Junior II competitor may not apply for permission to dance up as an Adult until they are 15 years old, at which time they would need to apply to the Ballroom Department as noted above.
Youth competitors turning 19 years of age in the calendar year may still dance as youths until they have graduated from “High School”.
A couple’s age classification eligibility is defined as the age of the older partner for the Pre-Teen I, Pre- Teen II, Junior I, Junior II, Youth and Adult classifications, while it is defined as the age of the younger partner for the Senior classifications.
Any amateur competitor dancing in a Pre-Teen I, Pre-Teen II, Junior I, Junior II, or Youth “open singles event” may only be partnered by another amateur competitor aged eighteen years or younger.
Syllabus: Amateur Pre-Teen Pre-Teen: Couples competing in this age category may only dance Bronze, Silver and Gold figures from approved syllabi of member organizations of the NDCA as well as the official NDCA Syllabus.
All infringements to the restricted syllabus will be reported to the Chairman of Judges. If an infraction occurs during preliminary rounds the couple will be given a warning. If the infraction occurs in subsequent rounds or in the final, the couple will be disqualified.
Pre-Teen couples wishing to dance outside the list of allowable figures are encouraged to dance in the student/student open syllabus divisions of the “All-American” One Dance Competitions.
The “All-American” Competitions are Closed Syllabus events, except for those noted as “Open Syllabus”. Couples may dance Bronze, Silver and Gold syllabus figures from approved syllabi of member organizations of the NDCA as well as the official NDCA Syllabus. Couples competing in Newcomer and Bronze levels may only dance Bronze figures (for Newcomer steps 1-5 only). An Invigilator with knowledge of these syllabi will be engaged to make sure this rule is enforced. If an infraction occurs during preliminary rounds the couple will be given a warning. If the infraction occurs in subsequent rounds or in the final, the couple will be disqualified.
All U.S. Amateur dancers entering amateur events must be registered with the National Dance Council of America (NDCA) Overseas Amateurs must be registered with the WDC, WDSF or the official recognized amateur organization of their country of residence. This applies to both members of the partnership. Student/Student couples entering the “All-American” one dance events are not required to be registered. For further information regarding amateur registration with the NDCA contact: Eleanor Wiblin, NDCA National Registrar, PO Box 22018, Provo, UT 84602, Phone (801) 422-4623 Fax: (801) 422-3734 Email: eleanor_wiblin@byu.edu
Pre-Teen Rules & Regulations: Amateur & Pro/Am
Pro/Am Rules & Regulations:
1. All students may enter in two age categories. Adults may enter their true age division and one lower while Pre-Teen-Youth students may enter their true age division and one higher. See entry forms for age categories.
2. Dance Level Categories: Material used should be based on an NDCA approved syllabus such as DVIDA, ISTD, etc.
Closed One Dance Division – Restricted To Syllabus
Newcomer – Less than 50 private lessons
Pre-Bronze – Beginning Bronze material
Intermediate Bronze – Intermediate up to Final Bronze. Full Bronze – Final or completion of Bronze.
Pre-Silver – Beginning Silver material.
Intermediate Silver – Intermediate up to Final Silver.
Full Silver – Final or completion of Silver.
Pre-Gold – Beginning gold material.
Intermediate Gold – Intermediate up to Final Gold.
Full Gold – Final or completion of Gold.
Open One Dance Division – Not Restricted To Syllabus Open Bronze Open Silver Open Gold Open Gold Star Open divisions may incorporate figures from the next higher level (e.g. Open Bronze may have Silver figures).
3. Students may enter at any level of dance and only TWO higher in any one style of dance (American/International) in the closed single dance categories. (Example: A newcomer American style student may also dance in American style Pre-Bronze and Intermediate Bronze but not in Full Bronze or above). Students may enter in completely different dance levels in the American Style between Smooth and Rhythm and in the International Style between Standard and Latin.
A Pro/Am student may dance the Open Bronze, Open Silver and Open Gold levels (all 3 levels) if the student is in fact a true Bronze level dancer. The students level will be determined by the single dances entered (A Bronze level student is one who dances the majority of their single dances in the Bronze Level). A student may only dance up in level, never down.
4. No teacher will be permitted to compete with one of his/her students against another of his/her students – it is not possible to compete in the same heat with two people!
5. There is no limit on student entries in Open or Closed Freestyle Divisions.
6. In any category with three entries or less, the organizer reserves the right to eliminate the age and sex divisions and merge competitors into one category.
7. Scholarships: To qualify for scholarship events, a student must enter the same single dances as the scholarship.
8. Solo Exhibitions: No Solo Exhibition is to exceed THREE minutes (3:00). Music must be on individual CD or USB.
9. Formations: For additional rules please refer to the current N.D.C.A. Rules & Regulations. Maximum time – limited to three minutes (3:00) for a single dance and four minutes (4:00) for a medley. Timing of routine shall begin and end with the accompaniment. Pro/Am and Amateurs will be judged against one another.
10. Dress Code: Evening wear is suggested for Newcomers. Beginning and above levels are open for ball gowns, Latin dresses or matching costumes, but are not mandatory.
11. Restricted Categories/Closed Division Freestyle: A panel of invigilators may be used for all restricted categories/closed divisions. The categories will be strictly supervised and competitors committing infractions may be disqualified.
12. Critique/Score Sheets: Critique/Score sheets will be given on Solo Exhibitions only.
13. Registration: All competing Professionals must be currently registered with the N.D.C.A. Registration forms will be available at the competition, or go online at www.ndca.org or may be requested by mail from the following address:
NDCA – Professionals
Lee Wakefield 263 Richards Building
Brigham Young University Provo, Utah 84604
Because of N.D.C.A. rules NO VIDEO TAPING OR FILMING will be allowed. However, a professional video production company will be on hand to video your dancing. DVDs will be made available for purchase.